Women’s Racing

This page began as a vehicle for Heather Sloat and her team of keen women racers, who were using this page to highlight their racing exploits and to encourage wider participation from other women in the Club.  To read more about that, click on this article.

As time goes on, things change and there is now a new focus on having women connect through a couple of other initiatives.  Women on Water (WoW) with sailing mentor Sunshine Wilde and a panel of other widely experienced female sailors (Jenny Coghlan, Liza Ireland, Larisa Fry, Lisa Lipsett, and Heather Sloat) held three sessions in the spring of 2024 to introduce women to how to be on the water safely, with a focus on being able to “get the boat home” if necessary.

On May 4th, 2024 Flying Fifteen sailor Jill Oakes spearheaded a Flying Fifteen Day at the Sailing Club, featuring visiting international champion F15 sailor Jenny Price, who visited from New Zealand to work with and inspire local women sailors.  The day was a great success;  read about it here.

If you are interested and want more information about connecting with other women sailors, feel free to make contact with Heather Sloat through womensracing@saltspringsailing.ca or through her contact information in the yearbook.  And keep an eye on the Flying Fifteen page.

Lisa Lipsett skippered Phoenix in the Montague Harbour race-cruise on July 25/26, 2020.  To read about it and see some photos, click here: phoenixracecruisereport

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