In 2024 Races, Flying Fifteen 2024, Members, Stories 2024

WNR 1.4 Race Reports, June 26, 2024

by Martin Herbert aboard the Kay D…

Wind, no wind, 180 degree shift, no wind, wind from both sides, no wind in the main while jib gybes and flaps strenuously. That was the three minutes right before the start. Start goes and again with the no wind. The fleet drifts en-mass  to the first mark, a ketch anchored in the harbour, and get there still overlapped. Kay D is on the inside of the turn and is crowded to the mark by Slippery When Wet, then shot out into the lead like a pip between squeezing fingers. Then the breeze fills in from the southeast and the real race starts. For the second week in a row, a very well-sailed Firefly moves through the fleet and takes the lead, holding on to take line honours.

The course was ketch to port, 5 knot mark to port, start-finish line, as many laps as you want. I think everyone did three laps, as the wind was increasing so every lap was faster. Three Flying Fifteens out with a member of the women’s racing team in each boat. On Kay D, Gail’s sharp eyes kept the spinnaker full and the jib sheeted home;  as well, her work on the main sail traveller was exemplary. We hung on to be second boat home, just ten seconds ahead of Slippery. After a shaky start, the race turned out to be very much fun. Jill had a crew Janice (out for her first sail and coming from a power boating history), who did very well and loved the “quiet of it all”. Craig, generous as always, had Steller J packed with crew enjoying themselves. We were joined again by Russ, the Harbour Master, a welcome addition to our racing fleet. The after-party on the dock was lively and very much fun, with some stories causing my sides to hurt from laughing so hard. Tony Meek was taking bearings on the ketch and the five knot mark to determine the length of the race while Vern was trying to figure it out from his GPS.

by Jill Oakes aboard the Robyn Hood…

The highlights for us included:

1. As we all rounded the first mark we were neck and neck with each other, including all three of the Flying 15s

2. Seeing Kay D break away from the cluster of boats streaking towards the next mark—phenomenal how Martin found that bit of wind!

3. Janice and I were thrilled to be within sight of the other boats—we figured they had at least 200 years of experience on board and this was Janice’s first time stepping foot in a sailboat!!  We had an absolute riot pulling lines and shifting weight, peels of laughter and High Fives as we made our way around the course—including raising the spinnaker;  thanks to Vern with Jan in Simon’s Bluebird, for calling tips across the water to us

4. It was so much fun and laughter;  for sure Janice is coming back

5. Each time we completed a loop we got a lot more efficient with pointing and the spinnaker:  1st loop 34 minutes, 2nd loop 25 minutes; last loop 22 1/2 minutes!!! Very cool!!!

6. It was a ton of fun learning from each other;  Janice found if she held the clew of the jib, she could actually feel when the sail was pulling more efficiently!!

7. Chatting with everyone back at F-Dock was the best, too—super fun to hear Heather’s stories of sailing in international waters and rice with unexpected protein!

I woke up laughing out loud thinking of my crew person’s comments (Janice, first time ever stepping foot in a sailboat—she had a blast.) As we drifted across the start line towards the first mark, she said, “This is so peaceful, I certainly didn’t vision this when I was coming out to go racing with you!” And, as we were trying to spot the buoys with flags marking the finish line, “Next time, I’m bringing my glasses!” which totally sent me into giggles.

Vern, calling over from Bluebird as Janice and I are raising the spinnaker, “Move the boom, Jill”, so I start to move the spinnaker pole, and Vern practically jumped out of his F15, “NO, the Boom!!!”

Very fun and can’t thank you guys enough. I sure had no vision, absolutely no idea, that “racing” and sailing in general could bring so much joy back to my life. Still chuckling!

Here’s what Jan from Bluebird reflected after sailing with Vern:  “I learned a lot this evening…and will focus on ticklers, nudging up (but not pinching) and bearing away gradually to get them flying maximum, when tacking upwind :-).  Thank you so much, Vern. You were so incredibly “busy” tweaking the most out of the sail settings…You got a work out!”

Thank you to the experienced sailors who dreamed up tonight’s route—it was an absolute blast!! An ordinary evening that turned into one that Janice and I, and based on the fun post-race discussions, others too, won’t forget!

Club Handicap Results

Club Finish Corrected Rating for
Rating Boat Skipper Time Time Place Next Race
167 KAY D Herbert 18:06:10 01:02:36 1 158
141 FIREFLY Woolcock 18:04:08 01:03:04 2 135
271 ROBYN HOOD Oakes 18:20:30 01:06:09 3 268
105 SLIPPERY WHEN WET Gang of 5 18:06:35 01:09:15 4 108
286 BLUEBIRD Mr Ree 18:26:50 01:10:02 5 292
123 STELLER J Leitch 18:11:29 01:12:16 6 132

PHRFBC Results

PHRFBC Finish Corrected
Rating Boat Skipper Time Time Place
205 KAY D Herbert 18:06:10 00:59:19 1
138 FIREFLY Woolcock 18:04:08 01:03:21 2
126 SLIPPERY WHEN WET Gang of 5 18:06:35 01:07:00 3
144 STELLER J Leitch 18:11:29 01:09:59 4
205 ROBYN HOOD Oakes 18:20:30 01:12:10 5
226 BLUEBIRD (NFS) Mr Ree 18:26:50 01:15:40 6

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