Wednesday Night Racing – July 17, 2013

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WOW! Perfect weather, sunny, warm and windy with a healthy showing of white caps covering the Goat Island side of the harbour. Velica charged in from a very breezy Round Prevost, a family and friends event that left Maggie soaked but smiling, then turned around and headed out for Vincent’s single handed evening race. Sprite, with Greg and Cookie, also went out early and couldn’t resist the reaches, planing at ten knots with spray flying.

As the breeze looked to hold the course was set for Batt Rock, Horda Shoals, Wellbury Spar and home, marks to Port. Careful observation of Sprite at play lead the skipper and tactician on Kay D to opt for the pin end start and a drag race for the header off Goat Island. While this was once standard tactics it had been, of late, surpassed by a playing of the Walter Spit shore, short tacking close in. But big winds and short tacking don’t mix. A very competitive start saw the fleet away close packed. The beat out to Batt Rock was an exciting bash to windward. Final Dash seemed to stay in phase with the shifts rather well and worked out into the lead. Kaitoa, awash with Junior sailors, also powered through the fleet. We counted eighteen legs thrown over the weather rail as we crossed tacks with them. Both Flying Fifteens, crews hiking hard over the side, drove to windward well and Kay D was third boat around the first mark. Sprite was not far behind considering she had to duck a rather long and well heeled starboard tack Electra.

The spinnaker reach to Horda shoals was well suited for Final Dash’s asymmetrical spinnaker and she flew down the leg. Kaitoa also hoisted and romped along the leg but threw in two spectacular back to back broaches just to keep things interesting. Unfortunately for the Flying Fifteens the wind had moderated so there was to be no scorching planing reaches and the big boats started closing in. Just after Wellbury spar Velica reeled in the Kay D and Electra surged by on the rounding of the Sisters. Sprite rode a good blast of wind on the approach to the Sisters and closed as well. This increase in wind brought the fleet up and they marched into the finish in fine style. Final Dash took line honours, followed by Kaitoa and Velica. Electra, plagued by spinnaker snarls, still managed a fourth while Kay D and Sprite crossed fifth and sixth. Second Wind, looking all together too comfortable pipped Wildfire on the finish line despite being hindered on the run by their asymmetrical, a stark contrast to Eric’s old spinnaker on Paramour which pulled him to many victories. I was in position to see Wildfire cross the line with spinnaker full and pulling, a beautiful sight.

Sadly I missed the post race gathering at the dock, where I am sure some very excited juniors had tales to tell about laying Kaitoa over on her side. I remember one windy reach when, at the helm of Caliente, I laid the big red boat on its side. Clutching the wheel I could see Ole’s face in front of mine as he hung vertical from the lifelines. If I read his lips correctly I think he was telling me it was not very fast with the spinnaker under water. Any evening with wind is a great memory in the making and this night was one of those. It just doesn’t get better than this…

Martin Herbert
aboard the Kay D

Official Results (courtesy Philippe Erdmer – ‘Kaitoa’)

Course: See Above

Scoring with SISC Club ratings:

PHRF Rating Club
As Sailed Rating Boat Skipper Finish Time Corrected
(T on T)
112 121 121 FINAL DASH Wood 18:20:26 01:21:34 1
213 213 213 KAY D Herbert 18:32:07 01:21:41 2
213 213 213 SPRITE Slakov 18:33:17 01:22:43 3
102 108 108 KAITOA Erdmer 18:23:11 01:26:06 4
147 153 153 VELICA Argiro 18:31:04 01:28:45 5
144 144 144 ELECTRA Kibble 18:31:35 01:29:39 6
144 159 159 WILDFIRE Keating 18:37:20 01:33:11 7
117 151 151 SECOND WIND van Soeren 18:36:42 01:33:40 8
158 201 201 EFFERVESCENCE I Bortz 18:50:02 01:39:12 9
162 137 137 IMP Leitch 18:40:48 01:39:44 10
201 237 237 ORACLE Emmerson 19:04:46 01:47:08 11

Scoring with PHRF ratings:

PHRF Rating Club
As Sailed Rating Boat Skipper Finish Time Corrected
(T on T)
213 213 KAY D Herbert 18:32:07 01:21:41 1
213 213 SPRITE Slakov 18:33:17 01:22:43 2
112 112 FINAL DASH Wood 18:20:26 01:22:43 2
102 102 KAITOA Erdmer 18:23:11 01:26:56 4
141 141 VELICA Argiro 18:31:04 01:29:33 5
144 144 ELECTRA Kibble 18:31:35 01:29:39 6
144 144 WILDFIRE Keating 18:37:20 01:35:17 7
162 162 IMP Leitch 18:40:48 01:36:04 8
117 117 SECOND WIND van Soeren 18:36:42 01:38:40 9
158 158 EFFERVESCENCE I Birtz 18:50:02 01:45:29 10
201 201 ORACLE Emmerson 19:04:46 01:52:29 11

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