
As a member-run Sailing Club, our volunteers are our most important resource. Organized into Committees, our members look after Club administration, maintenance and repair, events and programs.

If you are interested in serving on a particular committee, contact the Volunteer Coordinator or the Committee Chair.

As a member-run Sailing Club, our volunteers are our most important resource. Organized into Committees, our members look after Club administration, maintenance and repair, events and programs.

If you are interested in serving on a particular committee, contact the Volunteer Coordinator or the Committee Chair.

Past Commodore Volunteer development and
succession planning for Executive
and appointments.
House and
Vice Commodore Maintenance of all Club
properties on shore, including organization of Club Work Parties.
Foreshore and Docks Rear Commodore Maintenance of all Club docks and properties within the Club’s
foreshore lease, including organization of Club Work Parties.
Racing Fleet Captain
Organization and supervision of all Club racing activities, including the annual Round Saltspring Race and the
Opening Day Sailpast.
Junior Program Fleet Captain
Organization and supervision of the Club Junior Program, Summer Sailing School, and Club dinghy fleet.
Club Cruising Fleet Captain
Organization and supervision the Club Crusing Program, including reciprocals and winter guest speakers.
Social Events Staff Captain Arrangement and management of Club entertainment and social activities.
and Records
Secretary Administrative business, record keeping, and member relations, including new membership applications.
Treasurer Financial management, accounting and financial record keeping and reporting.
Moorage Wharfinger Allocation of moorage at Club docks, dinghy storage, electrical service; enforcement of moorage regulations.
Communications Commodore (with Communications Coordinator) Communications strategies; Club newsletter, website, yearbook;  storage of digital records, photos and archival material; communications and marketing support to the Executive and Committees.

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