In Cruises - Curr Year, Members, Public

Nov 20th:  Patagonia—Winter in Fireland, Jenny & Nick Coghlan

The Clubhouse:  7:00-9:00 pm

About the Talk: Nick and Jenny will give an illustrated talk on their southern adventure aboard Bosun Bird, which now lies quietly at rest below the sailing club.  They sailed their rugged Vancouver 27 from the Cape of Good Hope to the remote South Atlantic island of Saint Helena, west to Rio de Janeiro, then plunged south into the Roaring Forties and beyond. After wintering over in Tierra del Fuego – the Land of Fire – they cruised the empty channels of southern Chile before eventually turning into the open Pacific, on to Robinson Crusoe Island and Easter Island.

Nick’s book Winter in Fireland is available at the library and through the usual online outlets, as is his more recent Sailing to the Heart of Japan.

About the Speakers:  In 1978, Nick and Jenny Coghlan (who would eventually become SSISC members) emigrated from the rainy UK to the sunnier climes of Argentina, where they would spend long and enchanting summers exploring Patagonia. Many years later, by which time Nick was serving as Canada’s Consul General in Cape Town (South Africa), nostalgia called them back.

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