In 2024 Races, Flying Fifteen, Members, Public, Stories 2024
Round Prevost Race, Sunday Sept. 22, 2024
by Martin Herbert aboard the Kay D

Wind out of the SE with some rain greeted the boats jostling for starting position on the Round Prevost Race of 2024. The lee end was crowded but a slight starboard lift in the final seconds squared the line and a good start was had. Ogopogo claimed the pin and took off for Goat Island at pace. Slippery When Wet and Shingebiss kept close and it occasionally looked like the lead might have changed hands, but they were getting too far ahead for the reporter to be sure. Four Flying Fifteens started the race, but one turned back early as the conditions started to get gnarly. Single handing on the Kay D I was going to windward with about 1/4 of the mainsail inverted and feathering up in the gusts to keep the boat on her feet. Jill Oakes and Jane Squier were hiked out hard and sailing Robyn Hood flatter and faster than me and were grinding down my tiny lead. They took an extra hitch just by Welbury Spar and picked up a shift moving them into the F15 lead. Once we were into into Captains Passage, the wind picked up and I was now luffing 3/4’s of my mainsail and Robyn Hood was also overpowered. We sailed neck and neck to the Channel Islands, matching tacks and having a blast. I noticed that ahead the leaders were deploying spinnakers and that the ebbing tide had carried Steller J high of the lay line. By tacking to starboard early and letting the tide carry me up to the lay line, I was able to edge ahead of Robyn Hood.

Rounding Pt Liddell all the spinnakers were still in view, so up ours went and we were off in hot pursuit. Up ahead, boat after boat disappeared behind Portlock Pt and, as we closed on it, I was excited to see the big reveal. Shingebiss had made a beeline for Peile Pt and was now bolt upright with spinnaker sagging. Ogopogo and Slippery had both gybed back onto starboard, heading towards Galiano and more wind. Steller J, racing No Flying Sails, was running wing and wing towards Active Pass, staying in the wind line for as long as possible. Kay D chose the middle route and stayed on the Prevost side of the wind line. Robyn Hood rounded on a good gust and chose to follow it close to Prevost, looking very good for a while…and then…not so good.
Meanwhile, on the Kay D there were a bunch of tide lines where the ebb chose which side of Prevost it would take. Once past the half way mark to Active Pass, the lines became little deltas heading for Peile Pt. The wind had dropped and we were making 3.5 knots, so I edged over to the tide line;  we jumped to 5.2 then crossed into the other side and dropped back to 3.5. I slipped back into the 5.2 knot stream and tried to stay there. It was only about 20 feet wide and not in a straight line, but was worth the hunting. We crept right up to Steller J and rounded Peile Pt abreast. There was only a short area of relative calm for us at the point and then we were beating through into Captains Passage. Hard on the wind, Steller J soon dropped us astern and she made it across the mouth of Long Harbour ahead of the ferry. The wind freed and increased and the Kay D jumped to 7.5 knots blasting for a ferry cross, when good sense got the better of foolhardiness. We headed up and took the ferry’s stern. Then one more spinnaker hoist, a screaming reach to the Sisters and a run into the finish.
All in all a very fun tactical race with a premium on boat handling. What could be better??
PHRFBC Results
PHRFBC Finish Corrected
Rating Boat Skipper Time Time Place
99 OGOPOGO Faget 13:16:27 02:54:47 1
205 KAY D Herbert 13:45:22 02:55:09 2
126 SLIPPERY WHEN WET Gang of 5 13:33:53 03:05:01 3
162 STELLER J (NFS) Leitch 13:44:36 03:05:28 4
205 ROBYN HOOD Oakes 14:06:02 03:13:41 5
84 SHINGEBISS Keating 13:38:05 03:22:24 6
Club Handicap Results
Club Finish Corrected Rating for
Rating Boat Skipper Time Time Place Next Race
176 KAY D Herbert 13:45:22 03:02:27 1 170
205 ROBYN HOOD Oakes 14:06:02 03:13:41 2 205
96 SLIPPERY WHEN WET Gang of 5 13:33:53 03:14:02 3 93
98 SHINGEBISS Keating 13:38:05 03:17:49 4 98
126 STELLER J Leitch 13:44:36 03:15:48 5 129
17 OGOPOGO Faget 13:16:27 03:21:29 6 23

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