SISC Visitor Moorage
Welcome to Saltspring Island Sailing Club
We welcome members of reciprocal sailing or yacht clubs as visitors. Please read the following information carefully, especially if you have not visited us before. We are an all-volunteer club and operate on the honour system. This means that you, as a visitor, are responsible for registering, paying fees and adhering to all of our rules and regulations. Any abuse of this trust may result in the termination of all reciprocity with your Club.

Saltspring Island Sailing Club is located in Ganges Harbour about 1 mile SE of Ganges village. Our beautiful Island is an idyllic place for a boating holiday. Be sure to check out the Salt Spring Tourism website to discover all the best things to see and do:
On arrival at our marina, tie up on the outside of the breakwater and then seek out the Volunteer Daily Wharfinger (or any other club member if no Wharfinger is on duty). Visitors arriving after-hours should remain on the outside of the breakwater (see dock plan below) if no member is available to direct them to a vacant member slip. Please do not occupy a member slip unless you’ve been directed to do so. Be sure to fly your club burgee, show your current club membership card, and provide written proof of a minimum of $2,000,000 liability insurance. This minimum will be raised to $3,000,000 effective January 1, 2026.

Please note that moorage privileges are extended to visitors at their own risk. Saltspring Island Sailing Club shall not be liable for loss or damage while at Club facilities, including docks.
We hope you enjoy your stay with us!
Saltspring Island Sailing Club
152 Douglas Road
Saltspring Island, BC V8K 2J2
We welcome members of reciprocal sailing or yacht clubs as visitors. Please read the following information carefully – especially if you have not visited us before. We are an all-volunteer, self-help club so we operate on the honour system. This means that you, as a visitor, are responsible for registering, paying fees and, in general, adhering to all our rules and regulations. Any abuse of this trust may result in the termination of all reciprocity with your Club. Please also note the update below regarding our visitor and reciprocal moorage in 2021-22 with regards to COVID19.
As you can see from this map, we are located about 1 mile SE of Ganges village in Ganges Harbour on Salt Spring Island. (There is lots to do on Salt Spring and in Ganges. Once you get set up and moored, come back to this page and find out more about the island by going to the Salt Spring Tourism website.)
On arrival at our marina, you must first tie up on the outside of the breakwater, and then obtain help from the Volunteer Daily Wharfinger (or any other club member if no Wharfinger is on duty) in locating a suitable moorage spot. Visitors arriving after-hours may remain tied to the outside of the breakwater (see dock plan below) if no member is available to direct them to a vacant member slip. Please do not occupy a member slip unless you’ve been directed to do so. You must also at this time fly your club burgee and be ready to produce your current club membership card and proof of Canadian residency (reciprocal moorage is only being offered to Canadian residents in 2021-22.) Visitors must also produce written proof of a minimum of $2,000,000 liability insurance.
Reciprocal Moorage Rules and Information
Moorage | When you arrive at the Sailing Club, first tie up on the outside of the cement breakwater (“F” Dock or “BW” Dock, shown above), and contact the Volunteer Daily Wharfinger. We have approximately 315 feet marked as “Visitors Dock”. Also, members’ vacant moorage spots are regularly assigned to visitors. Reservations are not possible. |
Registration | Immediately upon arrival, all visitors must register in the registration book at the registration station located on “F” Dock. The registration form must be completed, and the white copy of the form – plus the appropriate fees – are to be placed in an envelope and deposited in the locked cash box. The yellow copy of the registration form is to be posted in your boat’s window, dockside.
Maximum Vessel Length |
48 feet LOA (including all protrusions) is the maximum vessel size allowable.
Mooring Charges | We offer two (2) non-consecutive 24-hour periods of moorage per calendar year free. After that, the charge is $1.00 per foot per day. (Again, this is current for 2020.)
Payment | Please deposit all payments in the lock box at the visitor’s registration station on “F” Dock.
Time Limit | We allow a maximum of fifteen (15) days per calendar year for reciprocal visitors.
Boat Occupancy | Visiting boats are not to be left unattended overnight.
Security Gate and Facilities |
The gatehouse located on the pier and the washrooms/showers (accessed from the exterior lower level of the clubhouse) are controlled by keypads. The code to open these is posted at the visitor’s registration station on “F” Dock.
Power | Most slips and the breakwater docks have 30 amp service. Only CSA/UL certified power cords, rated for 30 amps or more and designed for marine application, may be used to connect to shore power, and must terminate on the boat at a marine power inlet fixture or suitable adapter in a dry location. Please pay $5.00 per day per plugged-in cord.
Water | Water is available on the docks, but washing down is not permitted.
Washrooms and Showers |
Men’s and Women’s washrooms with showers are located on the lower level of the clubhouse, each with a separate entrance. Note: washrooms accommodate only one person at a time. We request that showers be kept short (within the 5 minute timer) and a $2.00 donation per shower should be deposited in the honour box located next to the shower.
Fuel, Ice, Laundry and Groceries |
Supplies and basic marine equipment are available in nearby Ganges. The quickest access to the village is by dinghy, and there are several dinghy docks downtown for visitors’ use. The walk to Ganges village from the Club is approximately 1.5 km and includes hills both ways. |
Garbage | We do not have any garbage facilities at our Club. You must take it away with you, or you can transport it to the Small Craft Harbour in Ganges where, for a small fee, it can be disposed of. |
Telephone | A telephone for local or emergency calls is located at the head of the pier. Long-distance or toll calls are not possible. Phone numbers of grocery stores, taxis and pizza deliveries can be found on the bulletin board at the head of the pier. |
Internet Access | WIFI is available on the docks. The signal is best closer to the Clubhouse. You can connect either to ShawOpen (free for Shaw Internet customers) or to the SISC network. The rate for the use of the SISC WIFI network is $2.00 per day.
Fires | No open fires or BBQs are allowed on the docks.
Holding Tank | No overboard discharge of any kind is allowed in our marina. You are strongly encouraged to use the pump-out facility at the breakwater/wharf by the Coast Guard Station in Ganges’ inner harbour if you must empty your holding tanks. |
Pets | All pets must be on a leash at all times while on the docks or on Club grounds. Pets are not allowed in the clubhouse or washrooms. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. |
Closures | The Sailing Club marina is closed to reciprocal visitors for our annual Round Saltspring Race on the Victoria Day weekend. In 2020, this will be May 14 to 19. As well, it will be closed to reciprocal visitors on July 3-5, 2020 for the Vendée SaltSpring Race, and for a regatta with SNSYC and Maple Bay Yacht Club on Sept. 19, 2020.
Wharfinger | The Volunteer Daily Wharfinger is available from 1300 to 1700 hours daily during the summer, from May 15th to September 15th. Before or after those hours or dates, please obtain help or information from any member on the docks, or phone the Wharfinger. The phone number is posted at the visitor’s registration station.
Please note that moorage privileges are extended to visitors at their own risk. Saltspring Island Sailing Club shall not be liable for loss or damage while at Club facilities, including docks.
We hope you enjoy your stay with us!