David Nanton has been gracious enough to donate his grandparent’s bookends plus some additional information on the HMS Ganges, a vessel very much related to our Club lore. In David’s own words:
Dear Commodore Marlatt
I sending this note because I have some items that might be of historical interest to the club.
I have two wooden bookends which have been passed down from my grandparents and which show a carved sailing ship. There is a plaque attached with the following inscription. “HMS Ganges. Later Tenedus 3, Indus 5 and Impregnable 3. Built at Bombay 1821 broken up at Plymouth 1930. The last sailing ship to serve as a seagoing flagship.”
You are likely aware of the connection – for me it was a surprise. I did an internet search on HMS Ganges and came up with…the connection between the Ganges and your club – indeed, how the elephant made it to your mast!
These are surplus to our needs and I wondered if the club might be interested in providing a home for them.
To see David’s notes on the history of the HMS Ganges, click here.