Wanted: Race Scorer for RSSI 2025
The 2025 Round Salt Spring Race is in need of a methodical and computer-adept person to score the race. Although an understanding of sail racing and rules is a helpful background, it is not a requirement; what matters most is an interest in helping with the process. Coaching and help are available to get you up and running.
The ideal candidate will be adept with data entry, be a part of the race committee, and be part of the planning for how the scoring will be accomplished. You may or may not want/need to be present on the committee boat, depending on how you can or want to receive the finishing time information (live in person, in a few separate electronic dumps, or entirely at the end of the race) and enter it into a scoring program.
The Club is expecting to use Clubspot software for scoring (where all the registration information already resides), but we first need to learn how to use it (we means you…let’s be upfront here). Alternatively, depending on your familiarity with spreadsheets, we can fall back on the spreadsheet templates we have used successfully in the past.
Please contact Philippe Erdmer, RSSI Race Volunteer Coordinator at rs-volunteers@saltspringsailing.ca, or Paul Faget, Fleet Captain Racing at racing@saltspringsailing.ca.