In Members, Stories 2024

The Commodore is suggesting some changes in format for our general meetings, to be enacted for the upcoming February 27th General Meeting.

  1. Proposed New Format for General Meetings.
    1. The purpose of the new format is to encourage more members to participate in general meetings by having open discussions about issues of interest to members and the club as a whole. Please see section #2, below for a list of current issues.
    2. The normal legally required business, the approval of minutes, etc. will be carried out as usual. The balance of the time will be devoted to discussion.
    3. The Board wishes to provide an opportunity for members to air their views about current issues at an early stage of discussion, before recommendations or decisions are required to be made by the Board or the membership.
    4. In order to facilitate this, the quarterly reports from Club Officers will not be read out at the GM. Instead their written reports will be included in the agenda package sent out to members in advance of the meeting. We request that you take the time to read these reports before you attend the meeting.
    5. While the reports will not be read out, there will be a limited time after each report for questions and clarifications. The time allowed will depend on the importance of the issue and the level of interest among members.
    6. The balance of the meeting time will be devoted to discussion of the issues in section 2, below.
    7. No motions will be presented at the meeting that will require a vote.
  2. Issues for Discussion on February 27, 2024. More details in Agenda package, to follow.
    1. Bylaws review report, for information.
    2. Membership Bylaws review; Associate and Junior.
    3. 200 Regular member limit.
    4. Capital plan and capital reserve.
    5. Dock Management Plan and Lands Act amendments.


David Wood, Commodore

Feb. 17, 2024

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