
Crowsnest Published

Crowsnest is the Saltspring Sailing Club's bi-weekly newsletter addressing up-coming and recent events.

RACE: Patos Island Race

Race is a hosted by another club. Please contact Paul for more details.

Coffee in the Nook: Clubhouse Future Plans

Join the Commodore and LTP Chair Pete McGovern for discussion about the future options/renewal for our clubhouse.  Coffee and cookies provided.  11:00 am start. See post on homepage for more details.

Presentation: Boat Surveys and a Haida Gwaii Salvage Story

Join club member Chris Small of Chris Small Marine Surveyors Ltd. for an interesting presentation between 7 and 8:30 pm in the Clubhouse.   See post on homepage for all details and how to register for this "two-for-one, dual topic, in-person" event:

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