
Crowsnest Published

Crowsnest is the Saltspring Sailing Club's bi-weekly newsletter addressing up-coming and recent events.

Annual General Meeting

SISC Annual General Meeting - 6:30 pm at the Legion.  Members should check for an email dated November 14 with documents and details.  We will vote on a Bylaw change and the new Board of Directors.  We still need a nominee for Treasurer, BTW.  (Please contact Past Commodore Chris Cheeseman if interested, Note date […]

Around the World in a 27 Footer

The Cruising Committee presents an evening with Jenny and Nick Coghlan:   When Nick and Jenny Coghlan were in the process of buying their first boat, they took her out for sea trials off Oak Bay.  Seawater swamped the batteries, a spreader fell off and - on their way home, undeterred and having sealed the […]

CANCELLED: Christmas Extravaganza!

Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Members are invited to our Christmas Extravaganza on Sunday, Dec. 3, 4 pm to 8 pm on the docks and in the Clubhouse.  Sign up to join in, pull out that Christmas sweater, decorate your boat, make your potluck item, and show up ready for […]


Board Meeting

SISC Board Meeting - 6:30 pm start.  Agenda to be confirmed by secretary

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