Water to Docks Shut Off

Expect the water to the docks to be shut off on this day, or close to it, depending on the weather.  And do be careful on the slippery docks as we get nearer to freezing temperatures!


Crowsnest Published

Crowsnest is the Saltspring Sailing Club's bi-weekly newsletter addressing up-coming and recent events.

Annual General Meeting

SISC Annual General Meeting - 6:30 pm at the Legion.  Members should check for an email dated November 14 with documents and details.  We will vote on a Bylaw change and the new Board of Directors.  We still need a nominee for Treasurer, BTW.  (Please contact Past Commodore Chris Cheeseman if interested, past_commodore@saltspringsailing.ca). Note date […]

Around the World in a 27 Footer

The Cruising Committee presents an evening with Jenny and Nick Coghlan:   When Nick and Jenny Coghlan were in the process of buying their first boat, they took her out for sea trials off Oak Bay.  Seawater swamped the batteries, a spreader fell off and - on their way home, undeterred and having sealed the […]

CANCELLED: Christmas Extravaganza!

Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Members are invited to our Christmas Extravaganza on Sunday, Dec. 3, 4 pm to 8 pm on the docks and in the Clubhouse.  Sign up to join in, pull out that Christmas sweater, decorate your boat, make your potluck item, and show up ready for […]

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