EVENT: Coffee at the Nook

Roy Marlatt's Informal Info and Coffee (to be held in the Clubhouse) 10 am to 12 pm TODAY'S TOPIC:  NEW DECK?  Do we want a deck and where?  Come and get your oar in to this discussion.  Sure to be many points of view to discuss. Join Commodore Roy in conversations about important Club business. […]

RACE: Round Moresby

Details - Club Start, Moresby Island (P or S) - Club Finish. Direction TBD at Skipper's Meeting. Note: 9:30am start (8:45 for Skipper's Meeting) The plan is to have a short course finish, same as last year, which is a line projected through deep ridge (UN) and the ellen b daybeacon (off point liddell).  Deep […]

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