Fall Work Party Alternate Date
Save this date in case the Fall work party has to be changed due to inclement weather.
Save this date in case the Fall work party has to be changed due to inclement weather.
Crowsnest is the Saltspring Sailing Club's bi-weekly newsletter addressing up-coming and recent events.
Regular meeting of the Board, 5 pm start in the Clubhouse. Questions: secretary@saltspringsailing.ca
For details see https://www.saltspringsailing.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/2025-race-schedule.pdf and https://www.saltspringsailing.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/2025-race-instructions.pdf Questions? racing@saltspringsailing.ca
Join your fellow Club members in the annual event to honour the Commodore. Watch this space and your email for further details and confirmed venue and time frame. Questions? Contact staff_captain@saltspringsailing.ca