Another Chance to get into the 2021 Round Prevost draw plus we draw for a bottle of rum after the race. The course is Round Prevost: Skipper’s Choice as to direction. If the short course is used, we can’t, of course, be entered into the 2021 draw. 9:45 Skipper’s Mtg, 10:30 Start, 17:30 Finish;  Short […]


Skippers' meeting 0945, race start 1030, course:  SISC—Ben Mohr (S)—U51 (P)—Ben Mohr (P)—SISC Finish This will be a Pursuit Race.  Your start time will be provided by email.  Questions?  racing@saltspringsailing.ca  


Course TBD Skipper’s Meeting @ 09:45,  Start: 10:30 It will be one of the ‘K’ races listed at the end of your 2022 calendar. Race number will be displayed in the gatehouse and reciprocal shack This is a training session for how courses will be announced in 2022. If conditions change, we can adapt at […]

RACE: Hot Rum Race – UPDATED

While the New Year Day brunch has been postponed; racing begins anew. The New Year’s Day race will go ahead. But the start time has been changed back to 10:30 (it had been moved to 09:30 to accommodate the brunch). The 10:30 start will also allow the one or two of you who made it […]

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