Presentation: Boat Surveys and a Haida Gwaii Salvage Story

Join club member Chris Small of Chris Small Marine Surveyors Ltd. for an interesting presentation between 7 and 8:30 pm in the Clubhouse.   See post on homepage for all details and how to register for this "two-for-one, dual topic, in-person" event:


Crowsnest Published

Crowsnest is the Saltspring Sailing Club's bi-weekly newsletter addressing up-coming and recent events.


Board Meeting

SISC Board Meeting - 6:30 pm start.  Agenda to be confirmed by secretary

Communications Survey Closes

Today is the last day for filling in the Communications Survey.  The link can be found in the March 20 and April 3 Crowsnest and in recent email blasts.    We thank you for your participation.

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