EVENT: Sail Pass

The sail past event Saturday April 30th, with a club breakfast starting at 8:30 AM. Please contact John Tulip to confirm your participation / breakfast intentions. The actual sail past will start at 10 AM and our Rod Macdonald as piper will lead us into the new sailing / boating season. The necessity to alter […]

MEETING: Board Meeting

Regular monthly meeting of the Board via Zoom, 6:30 pm.  Contact secretary@saltspringsailing.ca if you want to "attend".

EVENT: Coffee at the Nook

Roy Marlatt’s Informal Info and Coffee (to be held in the Clubhouse) 10 am to 12 pm TODAY'S TOPIC:  CLUBHOUSE DESIGNS AND SOCIAL EVENTS.  Come with an open mind to discuss these important topics with fellow members. Join Commodore Roy in conversations about important Club business.  Get caught up on what decisions are being considered. […]


More information to come - watch your email for details.  Questions?  secretary@saltspringsailing.ca  

EVENT: Coffee at the Nook

Roy Marlatt’s Informal Info and Coffee (to be held in the Clubhouse) 10 am to 12 pm TODAY'S TOPIC:  LTP REVIEW OF FINDINGS.  Come and hear what the Long Term Planning Committee is thinking after several months of Coffee at the Nook. Join Commodore Roy in conversations about important Club business.  Get caught up on […]

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