Afternoon Seminar Presentation: CANCELLED

Title: ‘Safety and Adventures in Boating’ Presenter: Marla Hedman Date: March 29, Saturday,  Time: 1300-1400 hours (NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AFTERNOON PRESENTATION) NOTE THAT THIS PRESENTATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED.

Week Two: Seminar Series “Sail Canada Basic Cruising Standard”

Seminar Series: Sail Canada’s ‘Basic Cruising Standard’ Presenter: Gillian Hutchinson: Dates: Clubhouse, Wednesdays (7-9 PM): March 26, April 2, April 9, April 16 Week 1 (March 26) - Points of Sail; Tacking & Gybing, Heaving to Week 2 (April 2) - Crew Overboard Manoeuvres; Docking & Anchoring Week 3 (April 9) - Tides & Currents; […]

Spring Work Party

It's all hands on deck for the spring work party!  Watch this space and your email for further details and confirmed time frame (usual start time is 8:30, with snacks and lunch provided).  Questions?  Contact,, or  

Channel Islands Race

For details see and Questions?

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