A number of boats will be departing Saltspring Island on approximately June 1, 2019 en route to Port Hardy for a planned cruise to Haida Gwaii.
Recognizing that a cruise to Haida Gwaii might be too much of a time commitment, other cruisers are welcome to join us at any stage of this trip. Perhaps, Nanaimo is as far as you want to go, or possibly Cortes Island, the Octopus Islands, Desolation Sound or the Broughton Islands. Regardless, here is an opportunity to join a group of boaters and experience these amazing coastal waters.
People are also welcome to attend cruising information sessions that we intend to hold, including:
– Provisioning
– Diesel Maintenance
– First Aid and Emergency Preparedness
– Communications
Dates for these sessions will be made available soon.
For more information, please contact Steve Sawyer (Fleet Captain Cruising): cruising@saltspringsailing.ca