Calendars & Events

Please note: There are 4 calendars in this section:  the actual Events Calendar (link below, which is the main source of info for all planned Club events), the Clubhouse Calendar (link below, only used to check when you are booking an event and need to see if the Clubhouse is available),  the Duty Wharfinger Schedule (only kept current between May and September each year;  watch for changes to the sign up process in 2020) and this “blog” calendar page (which highlights the Events Calendar for the month ahead).  If you notice discrepancies between the calendars, please notify the Communications Director:

Afternoon Seminar Presentation: CANCELLED

Title: ‘Safety and Adventures in Boating’ Presenter: Marla Hedman Date: March 29, Saturday,  Time: 1300-1400 hours (NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AFTERNOON PRESENTATION) NOTE THAT THIS PRESENTATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED.

Spring Work Party

It's all hands on deck for the spring work party!  Watch this space and your email for further details and confirmed time frame (usual start time is 8:30, with snacks […]

The next events …

Sunday, January 6, 10:30 am start

Ben Mohr Rock Race

SISC Start – Ben Mohr (P) – Finish; Skippers’ meeting 10 am

Friday, January 18, 5-8 pm

PUB Night

Thanks to Glenys Prince and Derek Emmerson, who have offered to host this pub night from 5 to 8 pm. Watch this space and your email for details. Watch this space and your email for details.

Sunday, January 20, 10:30 start

Three Finger Pursuit Race

SISC Start – Batt Rk (P) – Welbury Spar (P) – Batt Rk (P) – Horda Shoals (P) – Batt Rk (P) – U62 (S) – Batt Rk (S) – SISC Finish; Skippers’ Meeting 10 am

Tuesday, January 29, 6:30 pm

Board Meeting

Regular meeting of the Board.  Note new start time.

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