Club Cruising
Club Cruises in 2025: Plans are in the works! Keep watching this space and your email for news and developments. Please contact Fleet Captain Iain Pennington if you are interested in leading a cruise:
Looking For a Pumpout Station?: click the following link for an interactive map to find a sewage pumpout station close to you on the BC coast:
Considering Leading a Cruise? Here are some things to think about: Leading a Cruise.
Reciprocal Moorage for Our Members: If you are wondering about our reciprocal moorage agreements with a variety of other clubs on the coast, check out our Yacht Destinations page here. And at the beginning of 2025, as is the case with our own reciprocal status, the reciprocal status of some participating Clubs may vary, so you are advised to check for “open status” before you go. If you want further information about our reciprocal moorage agreements, visit this page or contact Reciprocal Officer Karen Laidlaw
Cruising in Our Local Area: The former Fleet Captain Cruising Arne and Club member Jeremy Milsom of the SS Inn have put together a list of information about marinas and anchorages in the local SSI geographical area: local cruising destinations. (Note that reciprocals are not included in this list. Refer to the above for those.)
Sailing Around Vancouver Island: If you are interested in cruising around Vancouver Island, there are others in our club who have done it and can offer much insight. You can get some advice from the late Past Commodore Dick Pattinson (who circumnavigated many times over the years in his 26 foot Grampian Gwaihir). First, you can read his now-historical notes from 1983 to 1991 at this link: Dick Pattinson-1983-1991. There are also a couple of very interesting and informative series of articles in the Telltales archives (under Member Resources for logged-in members), written by two Past Commodores Dick Pattinson and John Farquharson. Dick’s series begins in the May 2000 edition and John’s begins in Sept. 2001. As well, there is a 2001 article from the Gulf Islands Driftwood about Dick’s 13th circumnavigation that year with a crew of other Club members, accessible here: 2001 Driftwood article Dick Pattinson circumnavigation.
Ever Been to Loughborough Inlet? This article by Club member Michael Clark might help you decide to make a stop there if you are ever cruising in the area: Loughborough Inlet Article
Please reach out to our Fleet Captain Cruising, Iain Pennington, with any questions or suggestions.