The FC Racing has compiled the race results for 2020 and, seeing as how it’s not possible to get together for an Awards Night during COVID19, here they are for you to see: 2020 racing awards
Congratulations to Tony Brogan on his fifth Total Points Trophy win (he has had wins in 3 boats: Brigantia, Cheeky Buoy, and now Radiant Heat).
And in other award news, the 2020 winners of our annual Club awards are as follows:
Commodore’s Award Nancy Côté
Nancy started on the F-dock replacement project while she was Rear Commodore and led the group who researched designs, obtained quotes and recommended the contractor. She continued to lead the project after stepping down as Rear Commodore and oversaw the concrete pours in Campbell River, the installation and the commissioning. Nancy led the Club’s massive commitment and means that the 2 new sections should be a club asset for years to come. Well done.
Past Commodores’ Award Kim and Karen Laidlaw
For significant contribution over many years to numerous aspects of the club.
New Member Award Bill Ostwald
In recognition of his outstanding volunteer contribution to numerous projects and in particular the marina.